Keeping our Pets Happy and Healthy: Checking in on our Pets’ Mental Health

May 21, 2024

Keeping our Pets Happy and Healthy: Checking in on our Pets’ Mental Health

When our pets are feeling sad, how do we, as pet parents, help them feel better? Here are a few things you can try out!

Can you think of a time when your pet has helped you feel better? Ask a pet parent and they might give you a hundred moments! As for us: nothing lifts up our mood more than when we see our pets at the end of the day. Having a pet does wonders for our mental health––it’s a well-known fact. 

But do you ever think about returning the favor? When our pets are feeling sad, how do we, as pet parents, help them feel better? Here are a few things you can try out! 

  1. Add extra walks and play time 

Quality time is a favorite love language of our pets. Spending more time with them and being active can be a huge mood-booster for you and your pets. 

  1. Update their toys 

Playing with the same toys over and over again can feel a little redundant for our pets at times. A new toy could be both exciting and mentally stimulating!

If you’re unsure which toy to get, the team at Pet Express are more than happy to help! Feel free to ask their recommendations about your pet’s needs at any branch or visit the Pet Express online store

  1. Introduce new friends 

A lot of pets had a rough adjustment after the pandemic lockdowns. From having their pet parents around 24/7, our dogs and cats might have had trouble coping once we stopped working from home. Social interaction is very healthy for pets, and your dog or cat might enjoy meeting someone new! The SM Paw Parks are great places to schedule pet playdates and make new pet friends. 

  1. Adjust to their needs 

Just like us, every pet is different. Some pets want constant attention, some prefer not to be smothered. Since our pets can’t verbalize their needs, it’s very important to pay attention to what their body language is telling us.

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