Keeping your pet safe during a flood

July 29, 2024

Keeping your pet safe during a flood

Here are a few tips to keep you and your pets safe during a flood!

Every time a typhoon hits the country, we come across stories of animals who get stranded during a flood––and the events from last week’s Typhoon Carina were no exception. In times of emergency, we strongly urge everyone to not leave your pets behind. 

Here are a few tips to keep you and your pets safe during a flood! 

  1. Never let your pet drink flood water

Exposure to flood water can cause all types of infections. To be on the safer side, we also recommend avoiding giving tap water to your pets during a severe flood and opt for bottled water instead. 

  1. Bring all your pets inside and if possible, to the highest level of your home 

Do not leave your pet tied up or in cages outside when there’s a chance of flooding! 

  1. Evacuate early 

The longer you wait, the bigger the risks are for you and your pet. At the first signs of an impending typhoon, we suggest that you and your pet to move to a safer area of your home (especially if you live somewhere that’s prone to flooding!) 

  1. Inspect your area after a flood 

Once the rains die down and things get calmer, we suggest not letting your pet back outside right away. First check if the storm and floods brought in any debris, trash, or other potentially hazardous items for your pet. 

  1. Prepare an emergency kit 

In times of crisis, even the most careful people have a hard time thinking clearly. We strongly suggest packing a pet emergency kit in advance that’s easily accessible when needed. 

Some essential items for your kit: 

  1. Pet food and bottled water 

  2. Medications 

  3. Leash 

  4. Collar with ID tags 

  5. Pet carrier 

  6. Vaccination records 

And if you get stuck in a dire situation where you have no option but to leave your pet, make sure you inform authorities so rescue teams can help ensure your pet’s safety and assist them in evacuating. 


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