Pet Photography 101: How to take good pictures of my pet

October 10, 2023

Pet Photography 101: How to take good pictures of my pet

From pet parent to pet parent, let’s be honest. How many photos of your pet do you have saved on your phone? Don’t be ashamed if it takes up most of your memory space––it’s the perk of parenting an adorable dog or cat! If you want to make sure you catch your pet’s cutest and most flattering angle, we’ve gathered some tips and tricks to perfect your pet photography! 

  1. Take them on a walk or play with them first 

Pets are more likely to cooperate and sit still for photos if you tire them out first. Another pro tip: when your dog pants and breathes through their mouth after exercising, that also resembles a smile! 

  1. Get on your pet’s level 

Instead of taking a shot from above, try to get on your pet’s eye-level. This will help you get the clearest shot of your pet and makes for an intimate portrait too. 

  1. Natural light is key 

Taking pictures outside is not only scenic, but creates a more flattering image. If you’re indoors, try to take photos in a well-lit area next to a window. This tip is even more pet-friendly for your dogs or cats that might be scared of your phone or camera’s flash. 

  1. Try action shots 

If your pet is running, jumping, swimming, that could be an excellent chance for a great photo! To make sure you catch all the action, use a fast shutter speed on your camera or try burst mode on your phone. 

  1. Experiment with props 

With Halloween and Christmas season upon us, it’s the perfect time for a themed pet shoot! From wearing a Santa hat to posing with a trick-or-treat bag, your pets can be the star of this year’s holiday photos! 

Looking for photo-op opportunities with your pet, visit a Paw Park near you! On top of scenic backgrounds, you’ll also get to capture your pet having the funnest time with other pet friends. Check out upcoming events at your favorite SM mall at this link:

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