Tips to keep your pet hydrated!

April 15, 2024

Tips to keep your pet hydrated!

Last summer, we wrote an article on how to check if our pets are overheating and ways to treat dehydration. For this month, we want to share how to prevent pet dehydration before it happens! 

Important things to note: 

  1. Puppies, kittens, and older pets are more susceptible to dehydration 

  2. Dogs need around 30ML water for every pound of weight. So a ten-pound-dog needs at least 300ML of water daily. 

  3. Cats need around 120ML of water per five pounds. So a ten-pound-cat needs at least 240 ounces of water daily. 

What can we do as pet parents? 

  1. Place water bowls throughout your home

The best way to keep your pet hydrated is to give them access to clean water at all times. If your pet roams around different rooms or areas in your home, make sure there’s a bowl of water there too! 

For cat parents, you can also try using plastic cups or mugs for their water. Experts say that these kinds of unusual containers can be more alluring for cats! 

  1. Try wet food or adding water to their kibble 

Your pet’s food could also be a source of hydration for your pet! Adding water to kibble can even aid in your pet’s digestion. 

  1. Don’t forget their water bottle 

Even though there are many pet-friendly places around the country, it’s sometimes hard to find access to clean drinking water for your pet. Every time you travel or take your pet out with you, we strongly suggest that you pack enough water for them too! 

  1. Reserve a cool, shady area 

If your pet stays outside, make sure they have enough shade and water. On especially hot days, it would be better if you bring your pet inside to rest in a cooler room. 

  1. Stay up to date with your pet’s vaccinations 

Unfortunately, illnesses like parvovirus and parasites could also cause dehydration. To make sure your pet is healthy in all ways, we highly recommend paying that regular visit to your vet. 

Have more questions about dehydration? Every Tuesday & Saturday, from 7-8PM, you can consult with Dr. Jaline Sta Ana here in our community chat for FREE!

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