You’re so *Golden*: Fun Facts about Golden Retrievers

August 29, 2024

You’re so *Golden*: Fun Facts about Golden Retrievers

Few fun facts about our beloved goldies!

Dubbed by some as the prom king of dogs, Golden Retrievers have been one of the most popular dog breeds around the world for years. But what’s the hype surrounding this beloved breed? Here are a few facts that you might not know about the Golden Retriever! 

Did you know that… 

  • … Golden retrievers are a popular choice for therapy dogs? 

Because of their gentle and friendly nature, Golden Retrievers are a top choice for pet therapy. They are especially great with children, and a lot of Goldens have helped young people recover from trauma after tragedy.

  • … Golden retrievers have soft mouths? 

Golden retrievers were once bred for hunting purposes, and were trained to retrieve and carry food in their mouths without damaging it. To this day, this breed still has their trademark soft mouth. 

Another fun fact: a golden retriever’s mouth is so soft that people say this dog can carry a raw egg in their mouth without cracking the shell! 

  • … Not all Golden Retrievers are golden? 

While their golden coat is the trademark look for the breed, these dogs have coats in a wider range of colors: from light cream, dark gold, to even red! 

  • … Golden Retrievers can be great watch dogs (but not-so-great security dogs)? 

With their territorial instincts and protective nature, Golden Retrievers are quick to bark when they sense a stranger intruding into their home. But once they physically interact with the person? Don’t be surprised if your Golden quickly lets their guard down and wants to be friends. 

  • … Golden Retrievers are the top pick for the big screen? 

Since this breed is easy to train, Goldens are often seen starring alongside our favorite stars. You can spot a Golden Retriever in movies like: Air Bud, The Art of Racing in the Rain, Parent Trap, and A Dog’s Purpose!

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